12 Days of Packmas

The 12 Days of Packmas is a super casual Magic: The Gathering sealed chaos league for two people. My partner and I designed this because we wanted a way to play Magic during quarantine that wasn’t us just banging the same constructed deck together. We also love doing sealed and draft formats, and dumb broken cards. (It also gave me an excuse to 3D print some cool gift boxes for our pools and an actual advent calendar with compartments for packs.)
League “Rules”
Sealed Pool
On Day 1, players open a sealed pool with the equivalent of 4-5 packs of cards from any combination of MTG sets. Players get the same number of packs from the same sets.
On each subsequent day, as in Mini Masters, players add a new pack to their pool. Both players get packs from the same set on each day. Since I bought the cards and decided which sets we opened on which days, I let my partner have first pick of the packs.
Packs can be from any set in MTG history, silver border, 8-card packs, collector boosters, go nuts. I chose our packs to hopefully optimize the amount of jank.
On day 1, players build a deck of exactly 20 cards. Each day the deck size increases by 5. As in any other sealed format, your whole pool is your sideboard and any card opened is legal.
Provisional Rule - Your deck must contain at least one card from each set you’ve opened.
Play whatever two player format works for the deck size you have for that day. Some card counts have formats that you normally might not think of - for example, Tiny Leaders is a 50-card singleton format.
Time restrictions
It’s quarantine, my dudes. Take as long as you want to build your decks and play your games.
Winning The League
Winning is for tryhards. We’re here to play Magic.