Bylaw and Order Dice
My contribution to the Desert Bus for Hope Craftalong is done! This set of dice has taken a lot of planning to pull off. I was inspired this year by the cool shift-themed Battletech minis auctioned off last year. I have been itching to do more miniature work and, of course, I’ve spent the last year making a lot of dice. So this set is full of tiny treasures. Each die is intended to be a little snippet of the adventure in Bylaw and Order, which is my favorite Dice Friends campaign so far. My friends Lisa and Patrick, who have also participated in the Craftalong for years, also made this awesome dice bag to carry them all in. I designed the fabric - a Ravnican city scape with sausages in the sky- and Lisa and Patrick turned that into an adorable little bag.
A Taste of Ravnica
Sometimes, the sausages were the friends we made aloing the way. The d4s contain polymer clay miniatures of different sausages sampled by our heroes as they explored the 6th district. Featured: Fingers Sausages with chocolate sauce, Undercity Style with sprouts and golgari slime, a classic dog, and a dog with mustard and fried potatoes.
Unified Ravnican Sausage Standard (ASURSS) No 2309/76-19
Ravnican law magic binds this triplicate tome, so that a signature in one is copied to the others. The tiny books in these 3 d6s are handmade from paper and acrylic paints.
You got the stuff?
Ravnica’s undercity grows some very fine mushrooms, and whether they’re the culinary or the psychoactive variety, Enor is no stranger. These mushrooms were made with UV curing resin. For more inquire at Skrulk Mansion, ask for Vogos.
Picture the Tree
The d12 is a diorama of a tree, under which a tranquil hot spring gives up a puff a steam surrounded by flowers. Made with real moss, flowers, and some pebbles from my garden. For optimal results, meditate on the spirit of Vitu Ghazi while rolling.
The Avenir Duet
Some days, a mild-mannered Azorius clerk just finds himself halfway across a flaming tightrope, you know? The blue d10 contains handmade miniature scrolls and a tiny 3D printed coffee cup, while the fiery red percentile die contains a miniature tightrope.
The Tools of Heroes
The d20 holds 3 iconic weapons - Avenir’s rapier, Molander’s staff, and Nog’s lance (complete with skewered hot dog). Made from mixed media including wire, polymer clay, wood, and laser cut paper.
Obort! Obort! Obort!
One side of the d2 features the Azorius guild symbol, the other the Gruul. Flip this coin to decide your fate, if you dare.