Luxury Cube Packs
Little leather pouches for a swanky Magic: The Gathering draft night
One thing I will say for online card games like Gwent and Hearthstone - their booster packs are so much prettier than regular foiled plastic ones that paper cards come in. Without cost limitations, they can make their packs look like whatever they want.
Well…that just won’t do.
My cube packs are laser cut from chrome-tan leather and machine sewn. They hold a full pack’s worth of sleeved cards, though of course a sealed pack fits too. I added a leather buckle, featuring the Future Sight symbol for multiple card types, because you never know what you’ll open. ;)
The script along the edges is a MTG draft themed line in the style of the Irish “may the road rise to meet you” blessing. Each pack has a different blessing, making for a very long poem!